Sunday, March 25, 2018

Nobody can become a sloth

It never is used busy to eat, when shut-eye awakes, food is by the side of the mouth, also do not have what grab with it without what contend for with it already, it is true meal comes dehisce, not fatigue and feed. It need not busy to wear, wear an inherent wool fur coat only all one's life enough, this coat still is avoided wash avoid iron derma is made. It need not busy to live, often be only all one's life on hornbeam of a date spend, the oldest territory also does not exceed 3 or 4 are cultivated between. It also need not busy to go, as the mammal that goes the slowest on the world, it every stride one pace to need 12 seconds about, the speed that escapes repeatedly does not exceed 0. 2 meters / second, want than creeping tortoise slow a lot of. It of course also not need busies for the job, condole of from morning till night sleeps on the tree snooze is as long as 20 hours, wake only 45 hours or " sleep to nature to wake " .

The sloth has made the image of partial city office worker gradually, its carefree and content, its unruffled and recreational, its stand aloof from the worldly affairs, it is them most yearning with laudatory lifestyle. But nobody can choose to do a sloth truly, because you are destined,do not do a sloth.

It never anxious ate this to do not have next pausing suddenly, what eat because of it is other animal never asks the leaf of ferry at all, low quantity of heat, without how many nutrition, tough thick hard, the surface still has waxiness layer, taste is bad also, other animal distains to issue pharynx. Because subsistence quality is bad, the sloth is forced evolution gave extremely giant stomach, and space gives even more than the ox stomach room, satiate when, 2/3 what the weight of gastric ministry wants to hold weight, and to these alimental digestive process is as long as a month is more even, a week cultivates defecate below ability, be a model " a good-for-nothing " with costive disease patient. Its action is slow, choose a few trees only all one's life, also be helpless choice actually, to live for a long time on the tree, do not allow natural enemy discovery to be concealed on withe, it reduces weight hard only, not hesitate sacrifice oneself muscle, the flesh that belongs to a model is faint patient. In the meantime, it still reduces hear rate hard through hypothermia, so that do not have what activity ability and ego protection ability at all, once leave the ground, the interest that stands repeatedly is done not have, touch on the natural enemy such as puma, also adagio hard formicate -- we can envisage the despair in its heart. The inadequacy of athletic ability, also was destined distributinging range of the sloth is narrow, it can be in only air temperature lives in the tropical old forest that annual maintains consistent almost, once the environment has,change, the choice of its only is ground of have no alternative bears disaster, and have no way escapes. Its love life is extremely cadaverous, encounter of female in tropical forest, male sloth meets, want ability about 5 years generally speaking once opportunity, some sloths see the look of the opposite sex without the opportunity all one's life even.

What doing not have is need not fatigue and obtain, what doing not have to harvest do not need to pay price, doing not have what lifestyle is only advantageous and do not have fraud. What can envy gainer of Olympic Games gold is honorable, but cannot mix with the sweat at the back of gold of turn a blind eye to tear, chen Zhong and say: "Do not have a person to be able to laugh to take champion. " what can envy Li Jiacheng is rich, but cannot with turn a blind eye to he got up at 5 o'clock busy the hardship to the late night, li Jiacheng says: "Becoming moneybags is the best means that reduce weight. " what also can envy a sloth is carefree, but you are destined not to do a sloth, because of the sloth bear and sacrificing is the ordinary person can not be borne with follow the lead of. To be opposite all the time of the sloth look up at, just deceive oneself as well as others greatly and ego is anaesthetic just.

Be in the human society that is full of competition personally, as the person of an unwilling Yu Pingfan, the choice of only tries hard namely, struggle, enterprising, because you are destined not to do a sloth, non-privileged yearning the life of a sloth.

Orignal From: Nobody can become a sloth

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