Sunday, March 25, 2018

The circle of life

About 10 years ago, I promote a company to be accepted as the clerk in word of one home appliance groom. The director is grooming once implied meaning of a life was explained with the graph on the class. He painted a picture on blackboard above all: Wear in stage of a circle a person. Then, he added an a house, car, a few friends inside of circle.

The director says: "This is your comfortable area. The thing inside this circle is crucial to you: Your housing, your family, your friend, still have your job. In this circle within, people can become aware get comfortable, security, be far from danger or conflict. Be far from danger or conflict..

"Now, who can tell me, cross when you after giving this circle, what can you produce? " not even a crow or sparrow can be heard immediately in the classroom, an active student breaks silent: "Can fear. " another thinks: "Can make mistake. " be in charge of a smile to wear at this moment say: "Made a mistake when you, what are its as a result? " that student that answers a question at first answers aloud: "I can acquire a thing from which. "I can acquire a thing from which..

"Just about, you can acquire a thing from inside the mistake. After leaving comfortable area when you, you acquired the thing that does not know before you, you increased your experience, so you progressed. " the director gets lost blackboard again, before a bigger circle was drawn besides that circle, still add some of new thing, be like a more friends, bigger house, etc.

"If you often are in revolve of oneself comfortable area within, you cannot enlarge your eye shot forever, cannot acquire new thing forever. After crossing a comfortable region when you only, the circle that you just can make people on one's own side unripe greatens, your ability him fashion into a more outstanding person. Your ability him fashion into a more outstanding person..

-- the person with easy and comfortable covet cannot get more forever.

Orignal From: The circle of life

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