Sunday, March 25, 2018

You put affliction where

There are a pair of unfortunate little brothers on a of the United States small town, because their mom left this world when they are very small to fall ill, they and father depend on each other. But their father is,one bets ghost, go gambling to have money, he sold off the thing that can sell off entirely in the home. Go actually finally theft, fall into the jail that place was sent after the arm of the law before long.

After the family member put in prison of only, brother became friendless orphan twice. Brother two it is mendicant first, a few growner later they begin to collect rubbish. Collect rubbish to be able to give brother two bring a few scanty income, the elder brother can go with these money engorge, and the money these hard-earned put little brother criterion to rise. Slowly the little brother had a few stockpiles, the money that he puts later is much, he regards his tuition as these money, go to a pauper school reading next.

The elder brother for a long time in the street the gambling house that board fools around, gradually elder brother learned to drink, drug taking and fight. And became a market very quickly go up a flock of small mix the head that mix. They collect blow a cloud together, discussing to go next theft, fight etc. And the little brother is more diligent read, he uses diurnal time to go cafeteria, inn works, in the evening when go to a few schools learning, and learning write a few articles.

Went more than 10 years so, the brother that parts company already the two young people that became more than 20 years old. But because street fights,different is an elder brother,took the person the prison. Graduate of college of little brother criterion became one master home, and because published large quantities of excellent articles and took a newspaper office.

The Christmas 2010, the clue that the reporter of a newspaper office provides according to others, go interviewing that notorious elder brother to the jail. The reporter asks expression he depressed says: "About the bad travel of your father we had known entirely, do you walk along the undesirable effect that this degree leaves with your father today to concern? " very affirmative ground says the elder brother: "Yes, father's bad resembles a heavy rock all right, press on my heart heavily, so I just took his old road. So I just took his old road..

Interview an elder brother, the reporter interviews the little brother that took a newspaper office again, right now little brother is in busy him move is new of the book release. But he still manages to find time,accepted the reporter's interviewing. The reporter asks: "Your brother says the effect that is your father, so he just entered a prison. Whether had you also sufferred the effect of your father? Whether had you also sufferred the effect of your father??

The little brother is very affirmative ground say: "Yes, I am crossed father's influence for certain. " the reporter indissolubles the ground asks: "Get likewise the influence of your father, why your elder brother became notorious criminal, and did you become the writer that a your person reveres? And did you become the writer that a your person reveres??

Little brother say: "To father's affliction, heavy like rock is pressed on our heart euqally. But different is the back that the elder brother controls this block in oneself from beginning to end,go up, so he each pace goes very heavily. And I step on this block below the foot, this block became my life finally up step. This block became my life finally up step..

The reporter puts the story that covers elder brother and little brother in together, the following day a lot of person made a telephone call to the newspaper office, the report that claimed to visit elder brother and little brother very suffer inspire, they also drew a lesson from the elder brother's body, gained strength from the little brother's body.

It is the father with a full of stains or spots evil doing likewise, but brother is having different destiny twice however, differ because of the position that puts affliction namely. Affliction is to let it becomes a burden or be become up step, the key is putting it in what position at you.

Orignal From: You put affliction where

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